Monday, September 28, 2009
A Short CrossFit Fairy Tale
Once upon a time (today), we did the following WODS; this is how I did:
Overhead Squats
30 snatches for time
5:22 at 35 kg
To be brief I still need to work on my form. In regards to the OH Squats, I need to focus on locking out elbows and my core rather than worrying about my squat form so much. As for the snatches, I need to really focus on my pulls, jumping the bar overhead and dropping underneath it (weird I would have that problem with dropping underneath it *screws face up into fake confusion*). However, I was practicing my snatch form a little bit after the WOD and, strangely enough, they felt stronger than when I was actually doing the workout. Apparently my fairy godmother was helping me out after the fact, which I suppose is okay.
The End.
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