Thursday, November 5, 2009
And I'm Back...
For those of you who used to read my blog (I use past tense because I've been absent for awhile), I'm going to attempt to get back to your regularly scheduled blogging. As I mentioned before in passing that school has a tendency to take over my life. To be frank, not much has changed; however, with the semester winding down and my brain continually on the fritz, I am planning (and hoping) that getting back to my blog will help me maintain a sense of balance in my hectic life.
OK. So enough with the blah blah blah about school and back to what really matters: CrossFit. This week so far I have deadlifted, power cleaned, front squated, push pressed, and done more ring dips than a person cares to do in single day. Add tall box jumps, sit ups, running and body rows to the mix and you've got an amalgam of three days worth of WOD's.
Strength-wise, my power cleans and push presses are coming along nicely, especially my power cleans. I'm feeling much better about my cleaning ability, and I am determined to make myself love (and crush) them. Front squats - eh, not so much. I have trouble driving up with my elbows. On the other end of the spectrum, in the metcon area, my box jumps, runs, body rows and sit ups are still relatively strong and feel that, in many ways, they are improving, which is all I can ask.
Everything aside, I'm excited about where I'm going CrossFit-wise and hope that I am able to frequent my lovely blogger space more often. Also, the next time I get some time off, I promise to post something more witty.

Brit, I check this every day. Great to see a new post! Hope you can join the GYG one morning this week, as it's always fun to compete with you!