After a long day trapped under an avalanche of papers, I managed to crawl myself out of the rubble. Yes, my eyes were tired, my brain felt mushy but I persevered, and I was now off to exercise my body instead of my mind. I wanted to get in a rowing WOD before the actual workout so I quickly put on my shorts, tall socks, tshirt and began shuffling through my closet, searching for my running shoes when I saw them, sitting there like a ghost from my long forgotten basketball past: My Air Jordans.
I loved these shoes. Correction: I love these shoes. They are Jordans (by far my favorite basketball player ever); they are retro, and they are pink. I bought them over four years ago for my sophomore year of college basketball and was never able to get rid of them, despite the negative effects of that season. That is, however, a whole other story; the story here is that I couldn't resist. I pulled on my Jordans, smiling the whole time, and headed out the door.
When I arrived at the Fort, I ran upstairs to complete the rowing WOD, feeling confident that my pink sneakers (yes, they are retro shoes; a retro term is necessary here) would help me crush the workout:
Five rounds of 1000 meters with 3:00 intervals:
Round 1: 4:15.5
Round 2: 4:14
Round 3: 4:20.5
As you can see I did not complete all five rounds. My failure to complete the WOD, however, was not my Jordans' fault, although I think subconsciously I did blame them a little (cute shoes but bad memories). It was rather that I am slow and did not allow enough time to complete the WOD. Regardless, I think my subconscious took over because I changed my shoes to complete the following strength workout and metcon:
Four rounds of max rep ring dips:
7-7-5-6 (All unassisted)
AMRAP in 12:00 of:
6 rounds + 5 HPCs + 7 box jumps + 2 push ups
In regards to both the strength WOD and the metcon, I felt pretty good. I managed to stay fairly consistent with my ring dips and was simply pretty excited about the fact that I didn't have to use the band. As for the metcon, I was pleased with the fact that my cleans are getting stronger and faster. I didn't do the prescribed weight (I only did 40) but was happy regardless. There were several times during the WOD that I felt myself dropping under the bar more quickly, which is really exciting for me considering that, that is my biggest problems with my cleans.
Unfortunately, I also scaled my clapping push ups. I substituted with chest to deck push ups; I can do clapping push ups but I can't do them consistently, hence the scaling. Besides, I figure once I get more consistent I can work my way up, and my push ups are getting stronger, which is all I can ask.
As for the box jumps - oh the box jumps - I nearly killed myself on my first rep of the first round. I rammed my knee into the edge of the box leaving an ugly, odd-shaped bruise and then damn near did it again on my second rep. Luckily though I managed to pull myself away before I felt flat on my face and/or tore open my leg/knee/shin.
Now you're probably wondering what the heck my super awesome Jordans have to do with this. Well, on my drive home, while I was contemplating my box jump failure, I decided that had I wore my Air Jordans that I probably would have not failed miserably. I mean, they're Air Jordans, right? They're supposed to make you jump higher. As a result, I have decided that I will need to break out the Jordans for the next time we do box jumps. They're a little overdue for some air time anyway.

Magic powers? We'll see.
If not, they still look cool...
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